As per B.M Act municipalities are to provide drinking water to its citizens. At early time there was no system to supply drinking water through pipe lines. Only hand tube wells were there. In the year 1980 P.H.E Dept. commissioned the w/s scheme with 4 deep tube wells and 2 reservoirs and a few Kilometres pipe line to this municipality since then this ULB has developed its own network of approx 53 KM pipe line and now it operate 17 D.T.W.
City is divided in five water supply zones.
No. of Water Treatment Plant- Nil
No. of Deep Tube well- 17
No. of Hand Tube well-326
No. of Street Stand post- 218
Length of Water pipeline (in kilometre)- 53
No. of Underground Reservoir- nil
No. of Overhead Reservoir- 3
Total No of Households : 24910
Households with Water tap Connection :2490
Households without water tap connections: 22420
There are three Over Head reservoirs, total capacity 350000 gallon